Timber Treatment FAQs

How do I know if woodworm are present?

Look out for small holes where the woodboring insects bore into the wood. These will be present if there has historically been an infestation, long after the insects are gone if it has been treated. To determine whether the infestation is active our surveyors would look for frass – this looks like dust which is formed when the beetles bore into the wood. Sometimes you can see the insects, which would also be an indication, however other insects are sometimes misidentified as woodworm by a less experienced eye.

Dry rot and wet rot can affect buildings of all ages, and if decay is discovered it should be identified and remedial action should be taken without delay. Fungal decay occurs in timber which becomes wet for some time and is the result of the attack by one of a number of wood-destroying fungi.

It is very important that the type and cause of the fungal decay are correctly identified before any corrective action can be considered. It is for these reasons that it is important that a detailed diagnostic inspection is carried out by a competent specialist.