Medowbank house. Period property with woodworm throughout.

Location: Ascott-Under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire

Type of property: Solid stone construction, overlaid with a stone tiled roof covering. Floors are mix of solid and timber suspended in construction.

Services used:

Free timber inspection and survey

Timber treatment

Materials Used: 

Dual-Purpose insecticidal cream


Bore holes and frass evident in timbers to the roof void, second floor and middle first floor. As the property was undergoing refurbishment at the time, it was advantageous to carry out the woodworm treatment as soon as possible.

Works completed: 

Roll back ceiling insulation and apply a spray application of dual-purpose insecticide to all exposed timbers in the roof voids. A second visit was required on the second-floor roof void once access could be gained.

Dual-purpose insecticide was also applied to all accessible floor timbers, lifting floorboards every 500mm on the first-floor level to allow access to the structural timbers. All floorboards reinstated.

Care was taken to protect the electrical circuits, plumbing and floor coverings at all times.

Property Conservation Services Treatments